Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Meeting

Come and help us celebrate National IV Nurses Day at the first meeting of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the INS.
Meeting will be held on January 26th from 7pm - 9pm at
St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, PA in the Medical Staff Conference Room located on the first floor. Please enter the first floor (not ground floor) from the parking garage and follow the signs to the Conference Room.
We are pleased to announce that we have a fabulous guest speaker Kay Coulter C.R.N.I. who will be talking about promoting our professional community. This is a great opportunity to get out and network with some friends and colleagues and enjoy some refreshments. Meeting agenda will be posted at a later date. Be sure to check back for more information.
Please R.S.V.P by leaving a comment on this post or email me at michellemarte@comcasst.net by January 19th, 2012
Annual Chapter Dues of $15 will be collected at the first meeting.
Members of Local Sister Chapters may join for $10/year, also to be collected at the first meeting.
Guests are also welcome to join us for $4.00
Checks to be made out to Delaware Valley Chapter INS
Please remember we welcome all professionals and our industry partners to attend in addition to Infusion Nurses.
We are so excited to begin this adventure together and hope that many of you decide to join our chapter and help lead the way to an exciting and rewarding professional experience.

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