Michelle Marte (President) Susan Muhlig
Jean Hardy (Vice – President) Hope McCann
Marcella Tingle (Secretary) Dina O’Donnell
Hea Sook Koh (Treasurer)
Galen Burleigh
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
Introductions made welcome new members Dina, and Hope.
Coffee and dessert were enjoyed!
Presidents Report
• Thank you to everyone for attending.
• Please take time to go to the DVINS blog at for updates. Also please enter your email address to follow blog.
• Committee sign ups today. Available committees; bylaws, recruitment/retention, education, and historical.
• Great news – I have been selected to receive the Leslie Baranowski Scholarship for Professional Excellence from the INS for the amount of $2500.00. I will be donating this to the DVINS to be utilized for 3 funds. The Education/Meeting Fund ($1250.00). The member scholarship fund ($750.00) and the Library fund ($500.00). The member scholarship fund will be utilized to help fund DVINS members to join as a national INS member and to aid in fees associated with CRNI certification. The Library fund will be used to purchase INS materials that can be borrowed by DVINS members. More info to follow on these funds and how to apply for a scholarship.
• Ideas were discussed for the June and fall meeting, including possible speakers and venues.
Speaker Jason Beal, Director of Marketing and Member Services from the INS joined us via Skype. Jason talked about national member benefits and gave a comprehensive tour of the INS website with special attention to the Knowledge Center and the clinical information available to INS members.
Calendar of Events
2012 INS Annual Convention & Industrial Exhibition
Saturday, April 28 - Thursday, May 3, 2012
Financial Report
Membership Dues $15.00/year collected
See presidents report for new funding
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM